Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Write an Ezine? But I Dont Know HOW!

If you've been promoting your business on the internet you've probably heard how important it is to have a list. And that it's also important to publish an ezine.

So are you publishing and ezine? If not, why? Is it because you are too nervous or lack confidence?

I can understand how you feel. I've been there, even though I'm a journalist and published my own niche, non-profit newsletter for a year.

But when I started a home business and realized I needed to write about internet marketing - a subject I was still unfamiliar with - I froze up.

I simply could not think of anything to write about. I felt like I just did not have the experience and the knowledge I needed, because I was still learning.

I started my ezine only when things were really starting to take off and I had learned a good deal of what really worked for me in my business.

In retrospect, I don't think I'd have done it any differently, but I did learn a few things from my own experience that might make it less painful to start your new ezine.

1. Start With a Script

Writing the first few issues of your ezine is like starting a conversation with a new date.

You're nervous... you want to make a good impression. Most people will use a few tried and tested formulas to break the ice.

Similarly, when you want to start sending out your ezine, there are a lot of resources out there - tested formulas that experts have used with their own subscribers.

It could be a sales letter, an article, a tip, a template or anything else that you think could get you started with that first issue.

As on a first date, the conversation might be a bit awkward, your sentences may sound stilted. It could be a disaster as far as you're concerned. So what!

The first few articles I ever wrote make me cringe when I read them today. But I know I needed to write them to start building my own confidence.

Disastrous first dates leave much the same impression on people. But the similarity to dating ends there.

Because in writing an ezine you DO get a second (and third, and fourth...) chance to make an impression.

Your date may never call back, but with your subscribers, you can try again and again till you get it right.

If you do make a mistake (like sending out multiple copies by mistake), admit your mistake and apologize. You'll find that subscribers, unlike dates, can be quite forgiving.

When new network marketers approach a new prospect, they are always advised to use a script the first few times.

As they gain confidence, the words begin to flow more naturally and they are able to discard the scripts and become better at selling.

It takes time, and more importantly, practice, to get it right. But if you never start, how will you ever find out if you can do it?

2. Write Like You Speak

As you gain confidence in your ability to write and publish an ezine, you'll begin to get more comfortable with the process of publishing.

Now you might want to start writing your own editorials or tips, to make your ezine more personal and share your expertise in your subject.

To do this, imagine you're sitting in front of an old friend (or that your subscribers are your friends) and that you're bringing them up-to-date with what's been happening in your life.

If you had an experience, good or bad, while promoting your business, that taught you something new, share it with them in the most conversational tone.

Avoid rambling on interminably and leave out boring details that aren't crucial to what you learnt.

And always go back, read what you've written and edit it before you send it out to your list.

3. Keep Learning

There's no bigger turn off than an editor who knows less than her subscribers. So if you plan to write on a certain topic, make sure you do your homework.

If you're writing about eBook publishing, subscribe to all the ezines and article lists on that subject and read them to find out what's happening in that field. Then share the news with your readers.

You could also take some initiative and conduct a survey or two, find out something new about your field and write your own original articles or reports.

4. Speak Your Mind

Once you have established a publishing schedule and have developed a comfortable rapport with your subscribers, don't be afraid to share your opinion on new developments in your field.

If you have a strong opinion on something, its alright to say so. People feel more comfortable when they know where you're coming from, even if they don't always agree.

So what are you waiting for? Send out that first issue and take your business to a whole new level.

Make a date with your list now.

By Priya Shah

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